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Having worked with many different organisations, council and schools, please read some of the positive things people had to say about the Mutuashi experience.

‘Florence came to perform at our staff training day and was a great addition to the day. She was full of smiles and encouraged everyone to get up and join in her dancing. Everyone who participated seemed to really enjoy themselves.’ 


Angus Woodward

Senior Lawyer (Youth Law Clinics)

I would like to thank you for your time and your participation at the Children’s week Picnic in the Park on Sunday 27th Oct 2019

You, your vibrant smile, your energy, your music and dance were the attraction of the day.

You brought families and children to our store area, you brought all families from across all culture of the world together such as Indian, Asian, African, Aussie.....It was awesome!


The collaboration music between our multicultural rhymes/dance time was amazing.


Thanks again, looking forward to have you again in some other occasions.


Children & Family Cultural Liaison Officer

Wyndham City Council

Florence has been an Ambassador for MAV’s Emerge Cultural Leadership program, as she is a creative, motivated and community-minded artist in the Wyndham area. She has amazing abilities to inspire positive connections, and to find a way to support often-overlooked community needs; through her own significant contributions, and through bringing them to the attention of organisations and services in the area. Florence is really building a stronger community!


Miriam Abud

Community Engagement Co ordinator

Multicultural Arts Victoria

I met Florence at the Kingston Interfaith Forum in 2015 and shared her details with C.H.A.R.M who then invited her to join us for the Cranbourne Australia Day event held on 27th January 2016. She performed the traditional Congolese dance Mutuashi (the dance of freedom) at this event and joined us again for the 2017 Australia Day event.


Florence is a warm, kind and passionate artist and community member who is eager to share and preserve her cultural heritage through her performances, audience engagement. Her performances were very well received by the audiences, one of her photos in traditional costume made it to the local paper in 2016, see links below:



Treasurer – CHARM Vic Inc

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